Management of adverse weather conditions in cucumber
Cucumber is currently one of the most popular vegetables in many countries and of significant economic importance in Spain, being the third most important crop in Almería, with an approximate area of 5,600 hectares in [...]
CULTIMAR PLUS: The Solution for Green Bean Cultivation
The green bean is a legume with ample potential for human consumption due to its dual use, both the grain and the pod, and its high protein content. Additionally, part of its production is marketed [...]
Discover the secret to multiply the fat yield of your olives
BACKGROUND The concept of olive oil yield is understood as its total oil content level expressed in percentage by weight. It is well known that in any industrial process, the optimization yield of a process [...]
Broccoli Cultivation and Its Challenges in Murcia: Interview with Jorge Arranz
Cultifort travels to Lorca, Murcia, to interview Jorge Arranz, Technical Director of Sacoje. They have 36 years of experience cultivating crops such as broccoli, cabbages, lettuce, melon, watermelon, bimi, etc. What do you think [...]
Melons and Watermelons: 8 Strategies for New Delhi’s Defense
1. BACKGROUND The description of ToLCNDV was carried out in the 1990s in Indian territory, affecting tomato crops, where it became one of the main phytopathogens (Paddidan et al., 1995). In recent years, the number [...]
Cultivated Dragon Fruit: A global treasure with local adaptation
1. BACKGROUND, CURRENT SITUATION IN SPAIN The pitaya or dragon fruit originates from Central America (Mexico), although it was also standardized in South American countries such as Brazil and Ecuador, and to a lesser extent [...]
Monilinia, the worst enemy of fruit trees
What is Monilinia? Moniliosis is a cryptogamic disease of fruit trees, especially of the genus Prunus, caused by two species known as Monilinia fructigena, which generally affects pome fruits, and Monilinia laxa, which attacks stone [...]
The crucial role of cobalt in legume and soy nutrition
1.INTRODUCTION. Legumes play a soil fertility-enhancing role alongside the association of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Ramírez-Bahena et al., 2016), making them an important tool in crop rotation programs correlated with the sustainability goals outlined in the [...]
Hemp: Recommendations on cultivation
Cannabis sativa L. is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Cannabaceae family characterised by cannabinoid compounds, the most relevant of which are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has a psychoactive effect, and cannabidiol (CBD). It includes [...]
Advance in the blossoming of fruit trees that anticipates the arrival of spring ahead of schedule
1. BACKGROUND Producers of deciduous fruit trees at the European level continue to face campaigns evaluated as negative due to the lack of chilling hours for most of these species, not reaching a minimum to [...]
How to get an optimum ripening of the strawberry?
Strawberries belong to the Rosaceae family and to the Fragaria genus. While the strawberry is a wild plant that grows in forests, gardens and orchards, the strawberry was born in the 18th century as a [...]
Cultifort Finalist in the Go ODS Awards: Goal 2 Zero Hunger
Last week, we participated in the Go ODS Awards organized by the Rafael del Pino Foundation, standing out in Goal 2 Zero Hunger with our Non-Hormonal Ecological Rooting Agent RIZZA. This recognition reflects our commitment [...]