Ecological Root Enhancer
RIZZA is a liquid formula that contains
“osmoregulators and zinc” that produce in the crops an acceleration of growth
acceleration of growth in the early stages, mainly in rooting phases, facilitating
rooting phases, facilitating the biosynthesis of the indoleacetic acid AIA and
indolacetic acid AIA and therefore the growth and elongation of the cell.
The special combination of RIZZA acts on the plant root system by stimulating root
system of the plant by stimulating root emission and improving the rooting of seedlings and
rooting of seedlings and cuttings.
RIZZA has an aminogram and composition specifically designed to
specifically designed to:
– Facilitate the healthy and vigorous development of the root system as a whole so that it develops
Facilitate the healthy and vigorous development of the root system as a whole to develop its full potential.
-Promote the synthesis of amino acids needed at all times.
-To provide resistance against adverse conditions.
Root route:
– Dripper: 2 – 4 L/ha
– Hydroponic: 0.5 – 1 L/ha
Foliar route:
– Spraying: 300 – 500 cc/hL