In 1998, Rafael Sendra, manager of the Cultifort company detected by direct observation in the Pego area, in Alicante, the birth of a new variety that had been born from a spontaneous mutation of the Oronules bud. After monitoring it during several campaigns, it was investigated at the Valencian Institute of Agrarian Research (IVIA) for a decade.
After ten years of research, it was confirmed that, indeed, it was a new variety of early clementine with characteristics that made it unique.
This new variety was patented under the name Cultifort because it was the manager of the Cultifort company who had discovered it and in honor of the company.
The commercialization of the cultifort early clementine began in 2011, obtaining a great reception in the market. It is currently present in many countries and is well established in Spain, Italy and South Africa.
Main characteristics of the variety
The Cultifort Early Clementine is an early variety, and can be harvested between 7 and 15 days before other varieties of mandarins or clementines.
The Cultifort variety can be harvested from mid or late September to late October in the northern hemisphere, and from mid or late February to late March in the southern hemisphere.
Its characteristics of both the fruit and the tree make it unique and excellent among the existing varieties.
Main characteristics of the tree
The tree of the variety Cultifort Clementine is of good vigor and of rapid entry into production, with open growth and medium size. Its branches do not have thorns and its leaves are similar to the clementine; small, narrow and leathery.
- Very vigorous tree
- Dense foliage
- Open carriage
- Good lighting
- No multi-bud galls
- Very productive
- Very balanced
- No time-out problem
Adaptation and development
Cultifort Early Clementine adapts well to Carrizo and Macrophylla patterns.
Main characteristics of the fruit
- Flattened shape
- No seed * (Even if cross-pollination occurs, no seeds will develop or very few and small ones will develop.)
- Large percentage of juice
- Vivid and uniform coloring
- Good aptitude for degreening and postharvest
Differences of the Cultifort Early Clementine with respect to its matrix variety Oronules

Ripening calendar

In these links you can find testimonials that talk about the variety of Cultifort Early Clementine:
Expert 1 about the Cultifort Early Clementine
Expert 2 about the Cultifort Early Clementine
Expert 3 about the Cultifort Early Clementine
Management of Cultifort Early Clementine
At Cultifort we have great experience with the handling of the Cultifort Early Clementine variety.
If you have questions about your handling treatment, do not hesitate to contact us and we will give you all the indications and handling recommendations.
How to get it?
Would you like to plant the Cultifort Early Clementine variety? Contact us to obtain the seedling or the plate to carry out the graft.